If you get a letter from your child's school nurse that someone at school has lice, you might be concerned; finding the crawling bugs in your child's hair may cause you to panic. You are likely to want to get rid of the lice as soon as possible, but if you can't run out to the store for a lice hair product what do you do? Here are some ideas.
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When a person in your life, whether it is you or someone else, is suffering from an addiction to prescription opioids, you may wonder what treatment options are available to help. While there are standard treatment options like medical detoxification and mental health therapy, there are also alternative medicine treatment options that can help a person overcome an addiction to prescription opioids. Get to know more about a few of these options.
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Have you noticed that your nose and throat tend to itch a lot when you are at home? It is possible that you are suffering from allergic rhinitis, which a specialist can treat to help you cope with the symptoms easier. You will just have to make an appointment for a proper diagnosis to be made. In this article, you will discover some helpful information about allergic rhinitis in case it is the cause of your itchy nose and throat.
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When you rely on hearing aids, you are likely very aware of the major investment they are. So when it is time to get new hearing aids, like when you are upgrading to a better model, you may wonder what to do with the old ones. It can seem difficult to just throw them into the garbage. There are actually quite a few ways old hearing aids can be useful, including the following:
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When one of your family members is in the hospital for an operation, you'll often find yourself renting medical equipment to help the person once he or she returns home. If your loved one has been through a lower-body operation, such as a knee or hip replacement, one of the pieces of equipment that will be integral to the recovery process is a wheelchair. On the surface, pushing someone around in a wheelchair might seem simple, but if you haven't previously played this role, there's more than meets the eye.
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