If you're preparing for pelvic reconstructive surgery, you've probably received a great deal of instruction and done your own fair share of research about the actual procedure. What about the post operation period? Knowing what to expect and being prepared is critical to your recovery. Make certain you know what to expect after your reconstructive surgery.
Vaginal Discharge And Hemorrhaging
It's not uncommon to experience vaginal discharge and hemorrhaging during the post-surgical period.
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If you've recently had problems with candida overgrowth, you've probably been instructed to change your diet. Forgoing sugars, starches, and alcohol and eating more probiotic-rich foods can certainly help curb your candida growth. However, in addition to modifying your diet, there are other lifestyle changes you can make to help keep the yeast at bay.
Get more sleep.
When you don't get enough sleep, or when you get poor quality sleep, your immunity suffers.
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Regardless of whether you will be having knee replacement surgery or some other form of orthopedic surgery involving your knee joints, one thing is for certain: You are going to find it difficult to get around for a bit. To make sure your recovery after the knee surgery is as easy as possible, it is a good idea to get your home ready for the event beforehand. There are a handful of mobility aids and medical equipment that you should have in place which will make your life a lot easier while you wait for your knee to heal after surgery.
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If you have been noticing changes in your hair such as excessive dryness or greasiness, or if your hair is falling out, your medications may be to blame. Sometimes, hair changes do not occur until you have been taking your medications for months, and this is why some people never correlate these changes with their medicines. Here are three medications that could wreak havoc with your hair and what you can do about it:
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Pollen and other seasonal allergies that flare in the spring can make your child feel downright miserable. The bad news is, pollen-allergy symptoms don't just occur in early springtime as the leaves come out on the trees. Depending on your child's sensitivity to specific allergens, he or she may continue to suffer into the late spring from grass pollens and again later in the summer from weed pollens. But by keeping certain factors in mind, you can provide your child with effective seasonal-allergy support.
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